Let's face it, Uber is evil capitalism. It's the latest incarnation of the "greed is good" spawn and exists solely to enrich its founders and investors - most of whom are acting just as scary and sociopathic as the founder. They claim to just be a simple software company, but they know it's a lie and they behave like a bunch of thugs to force us to accept their selfish world view. No "app" company needs a beltway heavyweight like David Plouffe to carry their water. The "sharing economy" part is the key buzzword, the sugar to help the medicine go down - it's their "squirrel" to distract our attention from their real intentions.
It's too bad, I really liked the convenience of Uber, but now it's just a matter of time before their competitors introduce a similar, and likely better, mobile platform for riders and drivers. Every hour of every day, that business inevitability gets closer at hand.
To help expedite that process, I have removed the Uber app from my phone. I don't want to support their company with my money, nor do I want to provide them with any more of my personal information. I do not wish them well and will use whatever competitor is available in the future.
I'm guessing I'm not the only Kossack who has - or will - remove the Uber app from their device. I think it would help send a message to Uber if they could see it for themselves who their unhappy customers are [since I'm sure they get every new web reference through their opposition research department]. Roll call below. I'll get things started....
Here's some simple instructions on how to cancel your Uber account since I couldn't find anything on Uber's site: Wikihow - How to Cancel an Uber Account